Video And Audio Marketing - Let Your Voice Be Heard

Sometimes it's nice for your clients/customers to hear from you other than written words in an email, Facebook, Twitter, blogging and all the other platforms you use to get your message out there.

How about another method called your voice? It's time to let your voice be heard.

I say this because I am guilty of staying with the written form of conveying my message and realized I need to do more using other forms of communication as well. This year I vow to start utilizing lots of platforms to let my voice be heard. As a matter of fact, I already did an expert interview using a Teleseminar platform.

With so many options today, you can use social media platforms, mobile phones, YouTube and many other sources, you have many ways to let your audience hear your voice.

Below I have listed some ideas for you if you are interested in getting your message heard through voice.

YouTube - Using video marketing is so powerful. YouTube is just one video platform. There are so many others as well and I will be including them in my new ebook that is coming out soon.

Teleseminars - These are very powerful platforms to use. For those who are on a small budget and are just starting out, I highly recommend this free site called Free Conferencing.

Cinch - This is a powerful tool that allows you to record and share your voice on audio and place it in your social media sites.

Blog Talk Radio - Want to have your own radio show? This is a great way to get started.

Skype - I love Skype and use it to communicate with clients, friends, family as it allows me to connect via video conferencing, sharing screens and many other options as well. It's a great way to connect internationally as well.

Other forms of verbal communication include:

Use Your computer webcam - Most new computers have a built in webcam. If you computer is an older model, you can purchase a webcam at a very reasonable rate.

Use Your Mobile phone - Many mobile phones include video options where you can record yourself and send it directly to Youtube or your email to edit it.

Use a flip camera or any camera that has video access that you can download and record to send to your clients and customers.

Pick up the phone and call them to say hello and to check in with them to see how you can help them.

These are just a few options to use for getting your voice heard. Have you thought of some other forms of communication?

I invite you to enjoy my free report called "5 Simple Solutions for the NEW Entrepreneur." by going to

In this report you will learn what I call the 5 D's of getting started.
Discover Your Niche,
Define Your Solution,
Develop Your Strategy,
Determine Your Free Giveaway,
and Deliver Your Marketing Message.

Original article

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